Dear Parent/Carer
A reminder for those parents/carers who have expressed an interest in the Y5 trip to Gelsenkirchen, that there will be a short meeting at 3.30pm this afternoon, after school.
The meeting will take place in the Y5 classrooms – Y5 pupils are welcome to attend and there will also be provision for additional pupils and siblings to be supervised in another classroom.
I strongly advise that parents/carers attend, if possible, but I appreciate that some of you may not be able to make the meeting. I will send out slides with the information shared to those who have expressed an interest.
However, I will need to have numbers confirmed by Monday 30th September in order to meet funding deadlines.
I will contact those who cannot attend today's meeting, on Monday. This will be to seek confirmation of a place on the trip and to share information regarding overall costs, payment plans and a non-refundable deposit, which will need to be paid.
I look forward to seeing as many of you as possible, this afternoon.
Mr Kennedy