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I am delighted to share the result of our recent Catholic School Inspection report, where English Martyrs was judged to be a Good Catholic School. The inspection team described English Martyrs as a truly unique school which serves its diverse community generously and inclusively. Where a culture of welcome pervades all aspects of school life, including the Oscar Romero Centre, and pupils and parents feel highly valued. Staff are excellent role models and therefore pupils are highly respectful.


Our school has been recognised as outstanding in 2 of the 3 key areas:

1. Catholic Life and Mission: The inspectors found our Catholic life and mission to be outstanding. They noted that our school serves its diverse

community extremely well and remains deeply rooted in faith. Our school mission, ‘loving Jesus, loving learning, loving life,’ is profoundly experienced by all members of the English Martyrs’ community.

Staff ensure that the Catholic character permeates all aspects of school life. They are excellent role models and create an environment that distinctly reflects the mission of the Church.


2. Collective Worship: The quality and range of our Collective Worship has been graded as outstanding. They noted that prayer is at the heart of English Martyrs,’ living out the mission statement and ‘Be-attitudes’ with passion. It is part of the rhythm of every day and is adapted to reflect the liturgical season. Our pupils confidently articulate how prayer positively influences them; they know that there are different ways to pray, and they are reverent and respectful of one another’s beliefs. Prayer is part of the rhythm of every day and is adapted to reflect the liturgical season.


3. Religious Education: The quality of Religious Education has been graded as good. The inspection team noted that from their starting points, most pupils make good progress in religious education and can work independently. They can talk about their learning and how it informs their actions. Pupils, including those with additional needs, make progress because of the adaptations that are made for them to access lessons. The religious education ‘curriculum champion’ is highly dedicated and her support is greatly valued by colleagues, who consider that she is inspiring in the way that she shares her passion for the subject.


Although our judgement has changed from outstanding in 2017, this is a result of a change in the inspection framework, where Curriculum RE is a limiting judgement.


The areas for improvement were known to school going into the inspection and plans are already in place to address them.


I am so pleased that the inspection team recognised what a truly special place English Martyrs' is and captures the essence of who we are as a school community.


This outcome reflects the dedication of our staff, the support of our parents/carers, and the engagement of our pupils in creating our wonderful Catholic school community. We will continue to strive for excellence in all areas of our Catholic education.


Thank you for your continued support.


Miss Elliott


At English Martyrs’ Catholic Primary school, we aspire to walk in the footstep of Christ and all we do is inspired by Gospel Values, in particular the Beatitude from Matthews’ Gospel.

Our Mission is Loving Jesus, Loving Learning and Loving Life and along with the Beatitudes underpin all that we do at English Martyrs’.

The Beatitudes from Matthew’s Gospel have been shaped to become the foundation blocks for our ethos and underpin all we do. These 8 Beatitudes give us the ATTITUDES that we want to BE and are seen as our CORE VALUES. In addition, our curriculum is underpinned by BE-attitudes for Learning and our teaching and learning is underpinned by BE-attitudes for teaching.

Our Mission and Ethos form our very core and make it absolutely clear that all aspects of the school will reflect the practice and traditions of our Catholic faith. Such teachings direct us to believe that we are all “Children of God” and that we live by following the example of Jesus giving to us in the Gospels.


Everyone in school is expected to actively follow and live out our mission and ethos.

Our ‘Living the BE-Attitudes’ curriculum, which is explore within our House Group system, aims to support all children's social, moral, spiritual and cultural development as well as their understanding and use of British Values.


At English Martyrs’ learning is so much more than just academic success and we believe strongly that children are not fully successful learners unless they have developed a wider set of skills that help them to learn more effectively and engage well with their surroundings and other people.

In our House Group time our pupils explore how our CORE VALUES underpin everything our school does, how they can impact their personal development, as well as giving a meaningful context for British Values.

Our BE-attitudes Curriculum ensure the Core Values are introduced, discussed and lived out so that our pupils can embrace these attitudes with enthusiasm and demonstrate a good understanding of their application to their own lives. 


English Martyrs'

English Martyrs'

176 Stamfordham Road

Newcastle upon Tyne


(0191) 273 3903


Parish Priest

Fr Arockia Mariadass Pagyasany

Mass Times

Sunday – 9.15am


‘Mini Vinnies’ are children aged between 7 to 11 who, with the permission of their parents and the support of our Schools, are encouraged to embark on their first steps as possible ‘Vincentians for life’.

As Mini Vinnies, the children will receive  their own ‘treasured’ Prayer, Pledge and Badge, a dedicated website and a range of bright and colourful documents which guide them in their formative steps – helping and enabling them to become in every sense, young Vincentians – or ‘Mini Vinnies’.


In our school, we have a vibrant Mini Vinnies club which will meet regularly to follow the example of St Vincent de Paul and help those in need.


In our first week we have spent our time getting to know each other and deciding how we can best be the hands of Jesus.



At English Martyrs’ Catholic Primary School, it is our aim to raise standards by promoting a school ethos which is underpinned by core values (BE attitudes). These values support the development of the whole child to enable them to be the best version of themselves. 

Our curriculum is designed around the Beatitudes from Matthew’s Gospel, which have been shaped into 8 core values. We aim to support all children's social, moral, spiritual and cultural development as well as their understanding and use of British Values.

At our school, learning is so much more than just academic success and we believe strongly that children are not fully successful learners unless they have developed a wider set of skills that help them to learn more effectively and engage well with their surroundings and other people.

Our pupils explore how these school values underpin everything our school does, how they can impact their personal development, as well as giving a meaningful context for British Values.

Our BE-attitudes Curriculum ensure the Core Values are introduced, discussed and lived out so that our pupils can embrace these attitudes with enthusiasm and demonstrate a good understanding of their application to their own lives.


The planned programme supports our children in making good choices both in their learning and around the school. They underpin our Behaviour for Learning (BfL) policy and are used as a means to resolve conflict and unacceptable behaviour.

  • They ensure that our pupils develop the skills to be good citizens in the future.

  • The values are used as a focus in our weekly worship and are celebrated in our Friday assembly as our Saint of the Week award, as well as being woven into teaching and learning within classrooms.

  • They influence our relationship with others and ourselves.

  • Our BE-attitudes support our children to express their point of view. 

  • Values education is an approach that nurtures and enables learners to grow, making a difference to the world through who and how they are.

Implementing the BE-attitudes Curriculum 

  • Attitudes are introduced in monthly House groups meeting. Each House Group is made up of pupils from Reception to Year 6.

  • As adults, we (all staff) try to live the values: we teach best by being role models.

  • Our BE-attitudes curriculum is delivered during monthly House Group session. Each House group has pupils from Reception to Year 6.

  • The session will follow a clear structure, giving opportunity for discussion, information sharing, reflection and prayer.

  • Sources of evidence are used to construct arguments and aid discussion which helps us to understand that we are all part of a diverse community, that we have a role to play and that we are enough.

  • We all have unique talents, to work as a team and that we are greater working together then acting in isolation.


Pastoral House Groups

Within English Martyrs’ we have allocated house groups. The house groups are named after local Saints from the North of England. These pastoral groups comprised of children from every year and have both teaching and support staff in them.

Within Year 6 the children apply for the role of House captain. There are 2 house captains for each of the houses.

Pupils earn house points and the house points are collated to see which house has won. The winning house is awarded a trophy for display on their house board in the Hall.


Our House Groups Saints are:

  • St Aidan

  • St Bede

  • St Bega

  • St Benet Biscop

  • St Cuthbert

  • St Hilda

  • St Oswald


In English Martyrs' we share our faith through Shared Prayer and Liturgy. Parents and carers are invited to join their child's class for a quiet morning of prayer and reflection. 


Within English Martyrs’ we have allocated house groups. The house groups are named after local Saints from the North of England. These pastoral groups are compromised of children from every year and have both teaching and support staff in them.

In Year 6 the children have to apply for the job of being a House captain. There are 2 house captains for each of the houses.

the children earn house points and the house points are collated to see which house has won. The winning house is awarded a trophy for display on their house board in the Hall.