Year 4 – Level 1 Bikeability Training (14th / 15th January)
Dear Parent/Carer
I am pleased to share details of the above bikeability course and to ask you to complete the Microsoft Form to confirm if you wish your child to take part.
We must provide numbers to Newcastle Council this week, so I ask that you complete the form no later than Wednesday 8th January.
Bikeability National Standard cycle training, gives participants practical skills and understanding of safer cycling practices.
Children in Year 4 are taught to ride with confidence and develop cycle skills within the school grounds.
Pupils will be allocated a session (half day) on either 14th or 15th January once we have confirmed numbers.
In order for pupils to participate, they must be able to ride their bike, without stabilizers and will need to bring their bike and helmet to school on their allocated day.
Level 1 Bikeability takes place in a traffic free environment, usually the school playground.
Instructors are provided by Newcastle City Council and are highly qualified. By completing Level 1, your child will be able to demonstrate the skills and understanding to be able to make a trip and undertake activities safely in a motor traffic free environment.
To participate in Level 1 training, your child must be able to ride their bike without stabilisers, with basic control and balance whilst pedalling. They should be capable of changing direction and stopping. It is important to stress that this training is not suitable for children who cannot yet ride a bike.
The bike must be in working order including inflated tyres, working brakes, chain and tight handle bars.
How to check a cycle ( Bikeability Level 1 - Maintain your cycle, Glide and Control your bike