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German Club

Dear Parent/Carer

We are pleased to be able to offer our German after school club, beginning on Thursday 21st November and then running each Thursday, after school until 4.30pm.

This will be fantastic preparation for our trip to Gelsenkirchen, in the summer term and will also allow pupils to take part in some extra projects with our partner school. I would strongly recommend that your child attends the club if they are taking part in our summer trip.

We will be using some fantastic resources in the German club, produced by the Goethe Institut including the introduction of Felix und Franz - two mascots that will feature heavily in the programme of activities.

Pupils will learn through songs, videos, games and crafts allowing for us to have lots of interaction and fun as we develop our language skills together.

Please can you confirm your child's attendance by completing the very simple form below.

Confirm attendance here

Please note that German club will still continue to run on nights where we also have parent evenings.

The last session of this term will be Thursday 19th December

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