Y3 & Y4 Football
Catholic Primary schools under 9 tournament Tuesday 11th June Walker Gate.
16:00pm – 17:50pm more information and team to follow.
Y5 & Y6 Boys Football
Afterschool football training will resume summer term 2.
More information to follow.
5-a-side tournament – Newcastle United Foundation
Wednesday 5th June 2024 – 09:30am
Due to small allowance on squad numbers, not all children on the school team have been selected to play in the tournament. If you have received a text from school, your child will be playing.
All children will need to bring appropriate clothing and footwear (boots or trainers, no metal studs). Please dress appropriately for the weather.
Children will return to school once the tournament has ended. We expect to return to school before lunch.
Following your text message from school, please confirm via email to the school office your child's attendance.
Cup Semi-Finals – English Martyrs’ school
Thursday 6th June 2024
Only children who have received a text from school, will be playing in this match on Thursday.
The semi-finals game will be played on the school field. Parents are able to watch their children play and can enter school through the KS1 gate. The approx. finish time is 16:30pm, children should be collected at this time.
Please wear appropriate footwear/shinpads.
Following your text message from school, please confirm to office@emcps.co.uk, whether your child will be collected from school or will be making their own way home
What will my child need for matches?
Football boots (plastic studs) OR football trainers
Shin pads
Warm trousers such as jogging bottoms
Waterproof coat
Thermal top for underneath football top (recommended)