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World Book Day 2024

World Book Day 2024 

What a fantastic day we had in school, celebrating World book day and our love of reading. 

Our pupils looked amazing in their book inspired outfits, we had a host of characters from super heroes, cartoon characters, authors and characters from classic fairy tales. Some pupils wore colours to represent the feelings we explored in one of our whole school texts, 'The colour Monster'.

The video below gives a little insight into our fun filled day. 

For World Book Day, all of our pupils took part in activities based around two books. 


One of the books was called 'The Colour Monster' - this book helps us to recognise our feelings, using colours as a way of expressing different emotions we may feel, at different times. 


Some of our children designed their own colour monsters  to show how they sometimes feel in different situations - others made feelings Jars to show things which make us feel different emotions. 

This was a great way to discuss  our emotions and to know that we all feel different emotions and that this is perfectly normal and part of who we are!

The other text that we shared was the prize winning book called 'Flooded' by Mariajo Ilustrajo


Flooded is the funny and beautifully illustrated tale of animals who live in a city that is ever so slowly flooding.

The flood comes gradually at first. All the animals ignore the obvious and go about their busy lives, disjointed from one another and preoccupied by their own problems.

Eventually, the flood water reaches a height that they can no longer ignore and they have to work together to save their city. All the animals join together in a line and pull out the plug that is drowning the city.

This is an exceptionally illustrated story that teaches a message not to let problems fester and with a little team work and community spirit, no problem can't be solved.


We took part in lots of activities based on this book, including designing our own wellies! It was also a great opportunity to talk about some important environmental issues and how we can do our bit, working together to protect our planet.  





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